Monthly Archives: January 2016

On End of Streak and Rest

Lately I’ve been complaining about aches and soreness. I must admit that I need to rest!

Century fail and not giving up

Today I tried to do the Gran Fondo Challenge on Strava by completing a 100km on a single ride.

From 7 to 10s and proper maintenance

After a few days from having my new wheelset, I have noticed that the chain jumps on the 3rd/4th gear. The mechanic advised me to change to a higher speed chain (which I didn’t purchased that moment) to accommodate the higher speed cogs that I also bought for my wheelset. The chains are too thick for […]

Front Suspension Squeaking and Reverse loop with my brother

For almost the whole week, my brother has accompanied me during my nightly rides. We may be riding slow than my usual pace but I think its good for the muscles to relax a bit. He did suggest that we reverse my usual route just for a change. 

Bike to Work Wednesday!

I remember my very first time to ride my bike to work.

Better Conditioning

 I felt like biking longer this time. My usual 10k sub 1 hour is really not enough for me anymore and maybe my weight loss might be compromised if I don’t add more to the mix.

Horseshoe Drive

My brother met up with me after office to spend some bonding moments while on our folding bikes.

Biking a bit longer

I planned to go on longer ride today but I didn’t wake up on time. I feel so tired to even get up at 4:30 in the morning.

First 300km

This weekend marked the 300th km that I have ridden on my bike.

Post 50km ride

I was so tired yesterday to even write a post about what happened last night. 50Km is no joke for a small 20″ tires but I’ve manage to return home safely.